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Respiratory - Lung Support Tea

Respiratory - Lung Support Tea


Breathing easy and maintaining lung health are crucial for overall well-being. Our Respiratory-Lung Support Tea is formulated to provide the support your respiratory system needs to thrive.

If you're experiencing respiratory issues or simply want to maintain the health of your lungs, our tea is designed with you in mind. It offers potential benefits for those facing various respiratory challenges, including congestion, coughing, and other lung-related concerns.

To prepare your custom cup of Respiratory-Lung Support Tea, you can choose from various combinations of formulas based on your health needs. Whether you opt for 1-2 formulas, 3-5 formulas, or even 6+ formulas, our detailed instructions will guide you through the brewing process. Boil, steep, cool, and strain the herbs according to our directions, and remember to add any recommended ingredients from Dr. Kimberly to maximize the tea's benefits. To ensure the tea is readily available when needed, bottle and freeze all but one gallon, avoiding the use of artificial thawing methods.

Our tea features a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients, including Lobelia, Horseradish, Rosehips, Pleurisy Root, Elecampane, Wild Cherry Bark, Mullein, Horehound, Hyssop, Nettle, and Coltsfoot. These herbs work together to provide potential support for your respiratory system, helping you breathe easier and maintain lung health.

Rest assured that every formula is meticulously assembled by the Discovering Wellness staff in our own facilities, ensuring that it contains all the listed ingredients. We take pride in our commitment to quality, and your health and satisfaction are our utmost concerns.

Prioritize your respiratory health with our Respiratory-Lung Support Tea. It's designed to provide potential relief and support for a range of respiratory issues, helping you maintain healthy lung function. We're here to support you on your journey to better respiratory health and well-being.

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