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Vitality Longevity Support Tea

Vitality Longevity Support Tea


Teas made with 1-2 formulas use 2 1/2 Gal Distilled Water

Teas made with 3-5 formulas use 3 1/2 Gal Distilled Water

Teas made with 6+ tea formulas use 3 3/4 Gal Distilled Water

Individual tea combinations can be added depending on ones health care needs.

Directions For Making Tea:

  1. Bring all packages of dried herbs to a boil for 20 minutes in the correct gallons of purified or distilled water listed above.
  2. Steep for 6 hours with the lid sealed tightly.
  3. Cool until no longer any steaming heat.
  4. Strain through fine strainer and/or cheese cloth.
  5. Add any other ingredients needed from the list given by your DW Practitioner but only AFTER the tea has cooled AND strained.
  6. Bottle and freeze all but one (1) gallon.
  7. Thaw each container naturally when needed, using no heat to thaw.

Ingredients:​ Boldo, Camu Camu, Catuaba, Jiaogulan, Lycii, Maca, Muira Puama, Noni, Rhodiola, Rooibos

​All of our formulas are carefully assembled by the Discovering Wellness staff in our own facilities. We do not mass produce our products in a factory and are therefore able to guarantee they contain all the ingredients listed. All Sales Final. We do not offer refunds on teas and tinctures.

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